Wednesday 1 September 2021

Rutherford's alpha Particle scattering experiment : Discovery of nucleus

Alpha particle:

Alpha particle is helium nucleus having 2 unit positive charge and 4 unit mass. Radioactive substances emit alpha particles continuously as alpha rays,

  Experimental setup:

A thin gold foil is taken and encircled by zinc suphide screen, Alpha particle is generated inside a lead box, A thin beam of alpha ray is passed on gold foil through a narrow slit. When alpha particles hit on gold foil, scattering occurs.

Scattered particles hit on zinc sulphide screen and produce flashes on the screen. it is observed by a microscope.  

Observations, conclusions and Ruthermord's  atomic model.

For the detailed study of observations, conclusions and Ruthermord's  atomic model,  watch on youtube. 

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Rutherford's alpha Particle scattering experiment : Discovery of nucleus

Alpha particle: Alpha particle is helium nucleus having 2 unit positive charge and 4 unit mass.  Radioactive substances emit alpha particles...